Rally Racing Features
Raceday has special features for Rally Racing Enduro-type events where one vehicle will be raced by multiple drivers. No more chasing those other drivers – Raceday manages the teams for you, letting you manage the event and take care of your racers!
Require driver licensing
Set a list of licenses that you may require a driver to have in order to participate in your event. You can do this through our membership feature if you require your own license. This allows drivers to list other licenses.

Create vehicle classifications
Each vehicle can be assigned the classification (from a list you create) it needs to be associated with by the driver – Raceday requires them to choose before they register.

Teams output to a form you can use in any manner
Your Raceday Team sheet has each team captain, vehicle information, classification, each driver whos is part of the team, what class they are in and contact information, making it very easy to work with your event data.
All the other Raceday features work with team/rally racing as well - manage your registrations, actual races, results and schedules all from a simple, intuitive raceday dashboard!